The outdoors revitalize my being no matter the activity and even if only for a moment.
Being outdoors reminds me of what is most important; therefore, I long most days to be in the great outdoors.

Friday, April 17, 2009

"Gene"- my boat's first trip out for 2009

After shooting I took Devin from work out on the boat.
The ol' Merc didn't want to fire up right away after being winterized, but it finally did. It ran great after the first initial start. Devin and I did some casting and trolling for Tiger Muskie, but the rain and lightening set in quickly. No luck. But it was fun racing the boat around Newton Reservoir.

Trap Shooting with guys from Alpine

It was fun to get out and shoot. We shot some pistols too. After 3 boxes of shells, I had to quit. I'm glad I did. My shoulder was sore and bruised the next day. My Smith & Wesson 12 gauge was reliable as usual.

Smithfiled Easter Egg Hunt at Mac Park

The hunt is on.
Mad Scramble.
Max not sure what to do.
Max found a piece, so he was done.
Cubby getting lots of candy and Max eating his one piece.

American West Heritage Center

The family at Baby Animal Days.
Caleb afraid of the huge ox.

Max kicking a goat.

Max learning to be soft to goats.

Max before his balloon flew away.

Me and Cubby in the big barn.

Me and my silly boys.

Conference Sunday Drive

A few Mule deer by Smithfield Rock Quarry. They look a little ragged from winter and a bit scrawny as well.

Logan River Walk

Winter is finally over! My Family and I got to go on the Logan River Walk over conference weekend. It was perfect outdoor weather. We have had some good snow storms since then, but it is supposed to be nice again this weekend and upcoming week. Hopefully I will have more regular posts coming with nicer weather. I have the greatest family.